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The market’s first offering for commodity chemical testing

Eurofins Sustainability Services introduces the market’s first offering for commodity chemical testing

Pairing innovative test methods with ZDHC alignment to measure MRSL compliance of commodity chemicals used in consumer products

Eurofins Sustainability Services, a full-service provider for retailers, brands, and manufacturers of consumer products, has grown its extensive service offering to include commodity chemical testing for the softlines industries. With innovative methodology that overcomes the challenges of testing commodity chemicals, this is the first service of its kind to support MRSL compliance of commodity chemicals.

Working with commodity chemicals presents challenges for many industries that use them – specifically issues around hazardous contamination, quality, and traceability. Given these challenges, in 2024 ZDHC released their first guideline on the usage of commodity chemicals in the processing of textile, leather, apparel, and footwear – offering best practices for managing and assessing commodity chemicals. Before now, there was no available testing solution to assess compliance as a result of complicated analysis, potential damage to analytical instruments, and difficult sample preparation.

Eurofins Sustainability Services’ commodity chemical testing provides the softlines industries with a novel and reliable solution to test for hazardous substances in commodity chemicals and ensure compliance with the new ZDHC guidelines. Advantages include

  • Collaboration with ZDHC to ensure requirements are met
  • Methodology that takes into account composite opportunities for budget friendly testing
  • Proprietary extraction and composite method to extract hazardous contamination from samples and test with available chromatographic instruments
  • Scalable processes with testing across the Eurofins network of laboratories


Contact us about commodity chemical testing and ZDHC Guidelines alignment

Navigating the complex regulatory landscape around hazardous substances and MRSLs can be overwhelming and a challenge for many industries. Contact us today to learn how Eurofins Sustainability Services can be your partner to innovate your commodity chemical testing, achieve compliance with the ZDHC commodity chemicals guide, and manage MRSL in commodity chemicals.

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