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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for sustainable decision-making

Webinar | 14 November

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for sustainable decision-making

Are you looking to understand the environmental impact of your products and services? A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a powerful tool that enables businesses to evaluate their ecological footprint from production to disposal. Join Eurofins’ upcoming webinar where we will explore how LCAs can help drive sustainability, compliance, and informed decision-making.

In this free webinar session, our in-house Life Cycle Assessment experts will break down the fundamentals of LCAs, including key impact categories, and provide practical advice on how to communicate LCA results to both internal teams and external stakeholders. We’ll also discuss the legislative landscape where Life Cycle Assessments are becoming increasingly vital for compliance and competitive advantage.

Don’t miss the opportunity to engage in our live Q&A!

Key Takeaways:

  • What a Life Cycle Assessment is and why it matters
  • Key impact categories in LCA (e.g., carbon footprint, water use, energy consumption)
  • Best practices for communicating LCA data to stakeholders
  • Overview of the evolving regulatory landscape and compliance requirements
  • Expert Q&A to answer your questions


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Date and time

Date: Thursday, 14th November 2024

Session 1: 10 AM GMT (6 PM CST)

Session 2: 11:30 AM EST (8:30 AM PST)

Note: This webinar is offered at two different times, and the recording will be shared with all registrants after the webinar.



  • Understanding Life Cycle Assessments (LCA)
    • What is an LCA and why is it important?
    • The stages of a product’s life cycle: From cradle to grave
    • Types of LCAs: From simplified screenings to comprehensive analyses
  • Exploring key impact categories
    • Explanation of essential impact categories in LCA (e.g., Global Warming Potential, Resource Depletion, Water Footprint)
    • How impact categories relate to your industry and products
    • Real-life examples of LCA in action
  • Communicating LCA results to internal & external stakeholders
    • Tailoring your LCA message for different audiences (e.g., leadership, product teams, customers)
    • Using LCA results for sustainability marketing and reporting
    • Case studies: Effective communication of LCA data
  • The legislative landscape: Regulatory frameworks & compliance
    • Overview of current and emerging regulations related to LCAs (e.g., EU Green Deal, Product Environmental Footprint, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)
    • Why compliance with LCA standards is becoming crucial
    • How to ensure your LCA is aligned with industry regulations
  • Q&A session with our LCA experts



Your Presenters

Presenter for Life Cycle Assessment WebinarGeorgina Mawer Head of Commercial | Eurofins | BLC Leather Technology Centre Ltd

Georgina has a degree in forensic science and specialises in chemical testing, vegan certifications, chemical management, legislation, leather, textiles and synthetics.



Presenter for Life Cycle Assessment WebinarMustafa Ali LCA Analyst | Eurofins

Mustafa Ali is an experienced Life Cycle Assessment Analyst interested in identifying pathways to help businesses achieve their sustainability goals. He has previously assessed products and processes from a variety of industries including chemicals, energy, food & agriculture, healthcare and built environment among others. Apart from standard LCA reporting he can also assess impacts on ecosystem services and Natural Capital. Mustafa has 35 academic publications which have been cited on more than 1000 occasions.



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