Home 9 News 9 Eurofins attains EcoVadis silver medal rating

Eurofins attains EcoVadis silver medal rating

Eurofins Agroscience Services, a Eurofins company providing a full portfolio of services for the agrochemical manufacturer, attained EcoVadis’ Silver Medal rating in the latest CSR survey.

Demonstrating particular strengths in the Labor & Humans rights, and Ethics categories, Eurofins Agroscience Services (EAS) Group has been awarded this silver medal status in recognition of its EcoVadis sustainability rating.

In a world where sustainability intelligence now influences many business decisions, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assessments are becoming increasingly important. EcoVadis has grown to become the world’s largest and most widely used independent provider of business sustainability ratings, establishing a homogenised scoring system through its globally recognised CSR survey platform. Their evaluations include a thorough look at the social, environmental, labour, and fair business practices of a corporation.

We are proud to demonstrate our commitment to being a good corporate citizen through a variety of company-wide initiatives. Some examples include:

  • Membership of the UN Global Compact
  • Publishing our first sustainability report
  • Pursuit of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • An internal scheme ‘Equality driving Excellence,’ designed to offer all colleagues a platform for success
  • Position as a key contributor for ‘Plants for the Future’ – ETP (European Technology Platform)

As a Group, Eurofins endeavours to reduce its CO2 footprint significantly as part of an aspiration to be carbon neutral by 2025.

As we continue on our CSR journey, EAS Group looks forward to the next opportunity for EcoVadis assessment, aiming for a continuous improvement then and in years to come.

Read more about Eurofins Corporate Sustainability initiative or contact us to find out how Eurofins Sustainability Services can help you.

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