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Eurofins launches zero waste to landfill certification scheme

Reducing industrial waste is an essential part of the manufacturing industry’s sustainability requirements with more and more businesses making claims on zero waste going into landfill from their supply chains. With due diligence and marketing claims regulations in place or coming into force, such claims need to be derived from fact-based evidence with businesses being able to present and validate their claims upon request.

Eurofins Assurance has launched our Zero Waste to Landfill Certification scheme to help manufacturers and retailers become more sustainable.

Eurofins Assurance Zero Waste to Landfill Certification Service has been developed by our experts in field audit and environmental performance who have specialist knowledge in solid and hazardous waste. Applicable to industries across all types of manufacturing, this service not only supports marketing claims and regulatory requirements, it also parallels the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 12 which ensures sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWL) certificates

Eurofins Zero Waste to Landfill service assesses and verifies the ability of a business to minimise waste disposal to landfill. Upon completion of our ZWL audit process, the company will be awarded one of three possible Certificates, valid for 12 months

  1. Zero Waste to Landfill Certificate: demonstration of a diversion of waste to landfill of over 99%
  2. Near Zero Waste to Landfill Certificate: demonstration of a diversion of waste to landfill from between 95% to 99%
  3. Advanced Waste Diversion Certificate: demonstration of a diversion of waste to landfill from between 85% to 95%

Overview of ZWL assessment process

The certification service assessment covers a wide scope in order to gain a complete view of the business’ performance. In doing so the assessment can help identify and improve the company’s waste reduction process; increasing waste diversion so that it does not enter landfill. This includes, but is not limited to

  • Landfill diversion data; checking the data is correct, verifiable and demonstrable
  • Assurance from vendors that byproducts and waste are not disposed of in landfill further down the supply chain
  • The implementation of a documented waste management programme
  • Competency training where activities and actions might affect the performance of zero waste to landfill commitment within the business
  • Ensuring there is a waste management information system in place which demonstrates, quantifies and tracks all waste, shipping records and other waste handling and disposal information
  • Checking management systems such as operational controls, monitoring, and corrective actions to ensure the waste management processes are effectively implemented. These processes reside, where implemented, within ISO 14001 or ISO 9001 management systems
  • Auditing compliance with applicable regulatory requirements related to byproducts and waste materials is required. Where non-compliance is observed, corrective actions must be implemented

In addition to site visits, pre-assessment may be required and the business will be requested to provide requested documents, within the landfill scopes, to facilitate audit planning and preparation. As with all audit activities, reports carrying findings and non-conformities will be issued. Businesses will be expected to improve all major non-conformities or the Zero Waste to Landfill Certificate will not be issued.

How a ZWL certificate benefits your business

  • We can substantiate your Zero Waste to Landfill claim avoiding regulatory non-compliance with fact-based reports, findings and actions
  • It establishes higher transparency and brand integrity for both internal and external stakeholders
  • Take advantage of Eurofins Assurance’s expertise instead of needed to develop your own programme
  • Build better relationships, partnerships and understanding with your supply chain and employees through collaboration during the zero waste certification audit processes

Find out more about our waste management services on our Zero Waste to Landfill certification page or contact our Zero Waste to Landfill experts

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