Home 9 News 9 Eurofins Assurance becomes Higg FEM Trainer Body

Eurofins Assurance becomes Higg FEM Trainer Body

The Eurofins Assurance network of companies is pleased to announce that it has become Higg Facility Environmental Module (FEM) Trainer Body (TB), as approved by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC).

Higg Facility Environmental Module (FEM)

The Higg Facility Environmental Module (FEM) is a sustainability assessment tool that standardises how facilities measure and evaluate their environmental performance on an annual basis. In order to help businesses interested in the Higg FEM programme to up-scale sustainability improvements, SAC has approved different Trainer Bodies to provide Higg FEM training worldwide.

Higg Trainer Body (TB)

A Trainer Body (TB) has to have training records spanning a minimum of three years in environmental sustainability, in addition to an in-place management system and quality control policy. Eurofins Assurance is proud to fulfil all of these requirements and is able to provide the relevant training to our clients.

Eurofins Assurance is also an accredited Verifier Body to assess the environmental performance of individual manufacturing facilities.

Find out more about our Higg Index Verifier Body and Higg FEM Trainer Body, or contact us now to access Eurofins Assurance’s sustainability services.

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