Sustainability Solutions

for your company

Eurofins Sustainability Services provides sustainability solutions to companies ensuring they meet current international standards and safeguard the planet



Climate change, deforestation, pollution, and waste mean that sustainability has become one of the most important global topics. A good sustainability strategy can lead to positive impacts, competitive advantage, increased sales, and profitability in this environment.

Creating a viable, credible, and authentic sustainability strategy can be challenging, and many companies often do not know where to start.

Click on the images below to find out more about the sustainability services and solutions we offer for your sectors of interest.

With climate change impact a major topic of concern for governments and consumers, companies must adopt strategies that enable them to deliver sustainable products and services to the market.

Our goal at Eurofins is to offer sustainability solutions and strategies to all areas of the product value chain. This means we support our customers in creating sustainable product offerings backed by verified metrics and measurements. These measurements and metrics deliver scientifically proven claims and enable our clients and their customers to make informed choices.

Latest news | March 2025

Upcoming webinar | Sustainable chemistry in action: Innovate, comply, and get ahead!

17th April | Join our upcoming webinar to elevate your chemical management practices and drive sustainability in your supply chain.

Hot topics

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  • PFAS Total Organic Fluorine (TOF) testing
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  • Commodity chemical testingCommodity chemical testing
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  • Deforestation assessment for EUDR complianceEUDR deforestation impact assessment
    Eurofins offers a tailored Deforestation Risk-Mapped Supply Chain service to help you trace your supply chain to raw material origin, and meet stringent requirements
  • Cotton origin verification testing for cotton supply chainsCotton origin verification testing
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Who we are

At Eurofins, we understand creating a sustainable business model is critical to the future success of businesses and the long-term development of our planet. For this reason, Eurofins Sustainability Services provides help and support to our customers along the value chain.

Why Eurofins Sustainability Services?

We are a leader in providing sustainability metrics and measurements in the form of testing, audits and analysis across a variety of business sectors.

We have expertise across sectors that includes food, agriculture, environment, materials, engineering, life sciences, construction, electronics, consumer products, cosmetics, packaging, clothing and footwear.

Our sustainability services are offered globally through our team of around 63,000 employees working out of more than 950 laboratories in over 1,000 companies and 60 countries.

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