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Leather working group audits

The leather industry produces approximately 20 billion ft2 of leather annually. In most cases, the industry uses waste hides and skins from the meat sector to produce a useful and sustainable material. However, if the manufacturing processes are not well controlled, it is likely to be a significant polluter.

The leather industry produces approximately 20 billion ft2 of leather annually. In most cases, the industry uses waste hides and skins from the meat sector to produce a useful and sustainable material. However, if the manufacturing processes are not well controlled, it is likely to be a significant polluter.

The Leather Working Group (LWG) was formed in 2005 and set about developing an environmental stewardship standard for the leather industry to address this potential risk. The LWG ESG stewardship audit is today the most popular assessment of leather manufacturing operations.

The LWG standard has 17 sections and covers essential leather manufacturing topics such as traceability of material, chemical management, liquid and solid waste, social governance, and key metrics such as energy, water, and emissions. Now widely recognized by thousands of companies, this is the market-leading audit for the leather supply chain.

Eurofins offer

Eurofins has experienced, LWG approved auditors working globally, and can provide both the LWG ESG assessment and deliver an accredited social audit for our customers.

Upon satisfactory assessment, and with appropriate scores, the company can achieve Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Audited ratings.

The Eurofins audit team can deliver the following LWG audits as requested

  • Leather manufacturing audit (for those manufacturing leather at various stages)
  • Leather trader audit (for those selling part processed or finished leather)
  • Commissioning manufacturer audit (for those using sub-contractors to make the leather
  • Sub-contractor audits

If you are interested in arranging an LWG audit or have any questions, please contact us today.

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