Home 9 Certifications 9 Vegan testing and verification

Vegan testing and verification

Consumers have a growing interest in vegan materials and products. Textiles, clothing, footwear, furniture, synthetics, cosmetics and personal care items, and food have all moved to include vegan product claims. The shift to a vegan lifestyle has, at its core, sustainability and animal welfare as the motivating factor.

Consumers have a growing interest in vegan materials and products. Textiles, clothing, footwear, furniture, synthetics, cosmetics and personal care items, and food have all moved to include vegan product claims. The shift to a vegan lifestyle has, at its core, sustainability and animal welfare as the motivating factor.

Unfortunately, many vegan products base their claims on simplistic assessments, incorrect assumptions, or supplier self-declarations. It can be challenging to verify if a product is made with vegan materials as many chemicals and adhesives used in the production processes use animal-based products.

Eurofins have developed credible vegan testing and vegan verification services allowing brands and suppliers to make genuine, authentic claims about their products. In addition, the Vegan Society (a UK charity) and BeVeg (USA) have both approved the Eurofins vegan product testing and vegan verified product system.

How Eurofins vegan verification and vegan product testing works

The Eurofins verification system uses advanced DNA analysis to identify mammalian, fish, bird, mollusc and insect DNA ensuring total coverage of vegan-sensitive raw materials.

Upon successful completion of testing, Eurofins issues its vegan certification mark. Clients who qualify will be issued with the Eurofins Vegan Verified logo which can be used on their products and/or promotional material.

If clients wish, based upon Eurofins’ testing and certification, they are then able to apply for use of both the Vegan Society Trademark and BeVeg Certification.

This complete programme allows manufacturers, brands and retailers to properly test their products and label them as 100% vegan.

Eurofins can support with

  • Strategy support and policy creation
  • Bill of materials (BOM), chemical inventory log (CIL) creation, & review
  • Risk assessment of BOM & CIL and onsite audit
  • Microscopy for animal fibres & FTIR testing for the presence of animal proteins
  • Declarations of conformity and referrals to the Vegan Society and BeVeg Certification

Related sustainability services
Eurofins Sustainability Services provides vegan product testing to substantiate vegan claims for a wide variety of products for increased consumer confidence. Services related include
  • Chem-Map chemical management solutions 
  • Eurofins Cosmetics & Personal Care network of companies have developed in-vitro safety tests that are entirely vegan, supporting growing consumer demand for vegan supply chains.

Contact us to day to find out how we can help you provide consumer confidence for your vegan product.

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