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Biobased content analysis

Biobased products are wholly or partially derived from biomass. Biomass is renewable, organic, carbon-based material from plants and animals. Biobased products are seen as more sustainable from renewable sources rather than petrochemical resources. In some manufacturing situations, materials can be a blend of biobased and non-biobased petroleum content.

Biobased products are wholly or partially derived from biomass. Biomass is renewable, organic, carbon-based material from plants and animals. Biobased products are seen as more sustainable from renewable sources rather than petrochemical resources. In some manufacturing situations, materials can be a blend of biobased and non-biobased petroleum content.

For those wanting to make content claims aligning with published standards, it is essential to get an accurate measure of the percentage of biobased material.

Biobased does not mean biodegradable

The use of bioplastics is increasing, especially in packaging, but this does not mean that the product is biodegradable.  The chemical structure and not its biological content determines the ability of materials to degrade.

Eurofins services avoids confusion and incorrect claims

As this subject is complex, an appropriate strategy is to get accurate metrics for the products and materials. Accurate, third-party measurement can provide a platform for positive marketing and opportunities for product labels and certifications.

Through our partner laboratories, Eurofins can offer testing to confirm the biobased content of a material and ensure if the product will biodegrade.

Biobased and compostability testing services

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Why Eurofins Sustainability Services?

Specialist experience in leather, textiles, paper, packaging and plastics

Multiple testing facilities

Complete package from biodegradability to toxicity impacts and plant response

Can be linked with the microplastic analysis of degradant

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