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Legislation management service (Ecogestor)

In a world where sustainability and environmental stewardship are key themes, it is important to track, manage, understand, and comply with rapidly changing legislation. Eurofins Ecogestor is a software solution for managing legislative changes and requirements; compliance management made easy.

In a world where sustainability and environmental stewardship are key themes, it is important to track, manage, understand, and comply with rapidly changing legislation. Eurofins Ecogestor is a software solution for managing legislative changes and requirements; compliance management made easy.

To help with the challenges of managing legislation changes and requirements, Eurofins has developed Ecogestor software tools for our customers and combined these with our expert services and support.

Ecogestor legislation management service

Compliance management is a difficult landscape. Ecogestor Legislation is a personalised service offered by a team of experts through innovative software. Each client has a personal expert who identifies and constantly updates their applicable legislation and obligations, resolves legal doubts, guides them in their management and adapts it to their needs.

The main functionalities of the Ecogestor service

  • Personalised identification of the obligations applicable to each business unit, activity centre and assets of the organisation
  • Permanent updating of the information, with notifications by e-mail, of the publication of applicable new obligations
  • Identification of obligations resulting from specific, or voluntary standards to which the organisation adheres
  • Management of legal compliance with the creation of internal tasks and the assignment of those responsible
  • Compliance calendar and expiration notifications by e-mail
  • Compliance audit that allows you to record compliance with each obligation, upload documentary evidence, compare results and schedule the next evaluation
  • Quick and intuitive information searches, being able to export the results in Microfost Office Word and Excel, and in PDF format
  • Online support to resolve technical and management questions
  • Maximum security guarantee. Ecogestor complies with the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and has been designed with the highest levels of information protection in mind

Eurofins Ecogstor online advisory service can be complemented with face-to-face services such as legal compliance assessment audits carried out at the client’s facilities, and inspections.


Benefits of Eurofins Ecogestor Legislation management service

  • Avoid unnecessary risks for your organization, and have the best resources to ensure identification and legal compliance
  • Increases the efficiency of the team dedicated to analysing legislation and organizing legal compliance, giving them a digital and innovative tool
  • It has top-level advice offered by a multidisciplinary team of consultants

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Why Eurofins Sustainability Services?

Specialist experience in leather, textiles, paper, packaging and plastics

Multiple testing facilities

Complete package from biodegradability to toxicity impacts and plant response

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