Home 9 Certifications 9 Zero Waste to Landfill Certification

Zero Waste to Landfill Certification

Every year, 2.1 billion tonnes of waste is disposed to landfills. The impact is significant, with potentially toxic compounds from degrading materials leaching into the land, rivers, and oceans.

Every year, 2.1 billion tonnes of waste is disposed to landfills. The impact is significant, with potentially toxic compounds from degrading materials leaching into the land, rivers, and oceans.

The production of raw materials and subsequent manufacturing operations is one of the biggest waste generators. Effective waste management is an essential part of material selection, product design and responsible manufacturing.

Disposal to landfills should be the last resort. The primary aim is to reduce or eliminate waste before seeking other solutions such as recycling, reuse, repurposing, energy generation, biodegradability, etc.

Many retailers focus on waste management as they build mass balances of their supply chain impacts. This means manufacturers need to understand and manage the waste they create effectively.

Our goal at Eurofins, is to deliver services that help our customers understand the impact of their product, material, and manufacturing operations. These include waste management services, biodegradability and recycled content verification.

Eurofins Zero Waste to Landfill offer

The Eurofins team offers waste management audits, waste management training and access to our zero waste-to-landfill certification scheme.

A waste management audit is designed to identify improvement opportunities through reduction, segregation, collection, recovery, storage, treatment, recycling, re-use, and disposal.

The two pillars of Eurofins Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWL)

  1. Training and understanding – our team can provide training to ensure that key staff understand and maximise the benefits of eliminating or reducing waste.
  2. Assessment and certification – our assessment team visit the manufacturing facility to assess how the operation aims to minimise waste and optimise the recovery and reuse of the residual wastes generated.

If waste is managed effectively, manufacturing and waste management costs will be reduced, and environmental impacts minimized.

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