There is increasing pressure to reduce the quantity of persistent materials entering the environment. We have seen the significant environmental impacts caused by non-biodegradable products made from, or containing materials such as non-biodegradable plastics.
Responsible retailers and manufacturers must understand the end-of-life characteristics of the materials they use. Where products cannot be recycled or re-used, it is important to understand the impact on the environment in which they are disposed of, whether this is through landfill, incineration, or composting.
Understanding how materials behave in these scenarios through standardised testing is necessary in order to manage impacts and make informed choices.
There are a variety of tests available at Eurofins laboratories that measure biodegradability, disintegration, and compostability. These terms are often used interchangeably despite having different outcomes, so requirements must be clear to ensure the correct solution is provided.
Cosmetics and personal care biodegradability
Eurofins offers specialist biodegradability testing for cosmetics and personal care products in accordance with current regulations, including
- Ready biodegradability; OECD 301 A, OECD 301 B, OECD 301 D, OECD 301 F
- Intrinsic biodegradability; OECD 302 B, OECD 302 C
- Biodegradability and compostability of plastics; NF EN 14995, NF EN 13432, NF T 51-800
Leather biodegradability and disintegration testing
Eurofins offers specialist leather disintegration and biodegradability testing services for leather and leather products.
Leather ISO 20200 disintegration testing
- ISO 20200 modified for leather; traditionally used to evaluate the disintegration of plastics, at Eurofins, we offer modified ISO 20200 testing substituting plastic for leather with modified parameters
- ISO 20200 supplementary testing; supports the percentage disintegration results collected in ISO 20200 and ISO 20200 modified analysis with compost nutrient and toxicology testing on completion of the ISO 20200 testing
Leather ISO 20136 biodegradability testing
We offer leather biodegradability testing to ISO 20136 which exposes materials to an inoculum in an aqueous media that assesses the aerobic biodegradation via CO2 production.
Packaging biodegradability
Eurofins offers compostability testing in line with BS EN 13432, which includes the following tests
- Chemical characterisation
- Biodegradability
- Disintegration
- Ecotoxicity
Post biodegradability and disintegration testing
It is important to ensure the products of degradation and disintegration are not harmful. In order to assess the impact of degradation products when mixed with soil or other compost, Eurofins can provide the following ecotoxicity and plant response testing
- Ecotoxicity testing; evaluates the end compost after biodegradation or disintegration testing. Over 200 components are quantitatively measured in accordance with Eurofins TerrAttesT®
- Plant response and weed tests; evaluate the effect of degraded or undegraded materials on plant growth and weed propagulation by incorporating in soil growth media at known concentrations
Why Eurofins
- Specialist experience in leather, textiles, paper, packaging, plastics and cosmetics
- Multiple testing facilities
- Complete package from biodegradability to toxicity impacts and plant response
- Can be linked with the microplastic analysis of degradant
- Biodegradability and disintegration testing
- Compostability testing
- Ecotoxicity testing
- Microplastic testing
- Sustainable chemistry services overview
- Sustainable waste management
All services
Our services
Why Eurofins Sustainability Services?

Specialist experience in leather, textiles, paper, packaging and plastics

Multiple testing facilities

Complete package from biodegradability to toxicity impacts and plant response

Can be linked with the microplastic analysis of degradant