The Paris Agreement adopted at the UNFCCC COP21 by 196 parties has a goal of limiting global warming to below two degrees celsius compared to pre-industrial levels.
As part of this goal the “4 per 1000” (4‰) initiative, “Soils for Food Security and Climate” was launched which aims to show that food security and combating climate change are complementary.
The amount of CO2 which can be stored in the soil is up to three times that stored above ground.
Specifically, therefore, the 4 ‰ initiative aims to improve organic matter content and promote carbon sequestration in soils through the application of agricultural practices which are adapted to local economic, environmental and social situations; rather than adopting a one-size fits all approach.
24% of global soils are estimated to be degraded, including 50% of agricultural soils, with twice the estimated amount of carbon being stored in soil organic matter compared to atmospheric CO2. The 4‰ initiative, therefore, looks at agricultural practices such as agro-ecology, agroforestry, conservation and landscape management, in order to improve soil carbon storage.
Eurofins Soil Carbon Check
Eurofins Agro Testing offers Soil Carbon Check, a specific testing service which provides unique data on the amount of carbon captured in the soil.
By performing this test, you gain insights into the quality of carbon in the soil and therefore understand the possibilities for farmers and growers to improve the soil carbon content; by modifying their practices. For example, tilling the soil less often or sowing green manures can improve carbon storage.
Sustainable soil claims
There is an ever-increasing demand from consumers for sustainable food products, of which sustainable soil management is the beginning. In addition, various systems are being developed to reward farmers for their efforts to capture CO2.
Eurofins Agro’s Soil Carbon Check makes it possible to prove and claim sustainability in the agri-food chain, and for CO2 capture.
Advantages of increased soil carbon storage
Increasing soil carbon storage is important for contributing to reducing global warming through increased CO2 capture. There are also benefits to the farmers and growers as soil carbon is often considered the most important element of soil health, improving
- Physical soil health; e.g. workability, water holding, root penetration
- Chemical soil health; e.g. potassium, calcium and magnesium ion binding
- Biological soil health; e.g. biodiversity, workability, disease impression, nitrogen and sulphur mineralisation
Improved soil health in turn contributes to reducing food poverty through increased food security.
Soil Health Solutions
Visit our soil health solutions pages to find out more information about how Eurofins Agro can help improve your soil health, through our range of solutions and services.
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