Home 9 Sustainable business practices for your industry

Sustainability solutions for your industry

We support our customers by helping them build the best sustainable business practices and strategy, thus securing the long-term future of your company and community.


Our dedicated industries experts will assist define, establish and develop processes across your organisation to meet sustainable goals by contributing to the social and environmental progress and sustainable energy objectives.

Select your dedicated industry to find out more.

Hot topics

  • Eurofins' CleanAir Check for VOC TestingCleanAir Check for VOC Testing
    Eurofins’ CleanAir Check utilises advanced analytical techniques for comprehensive VOC testing that are aligned with ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines.
  • PFAS Total Organic Fluorine (TOF) testing
    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) testing using PFAS TOF test for total PFAS contamination of consumer products including textiles apparel and footwear
  • Commodity chemical testingCommodity chemical testing
    Innovative method for commodity chemical testing, mitigating risk of MRSL in commodity chemicals, and complying with ZDHC commodity chemicals guide.
  • Deforestation assessment for EUDR complianceEUDR deforestation impact assessment
    Eurofins offers a tailored Deforestation Risk-Mapped Supply Chain service to help you trace your supply chain to raw material origin, and meet stringent requirements
  • Cotton origin verification testing for cotton supply chainsCotton origin verification testing
    Eurofins cotton origin testing verifies consistency with the claimed geographical origin for raw, processed and dyed cotton samples and products.

Who we are

En Eurofins, entendemos que crear un modelo de negocio sostenible es fundamental para el éxito futuro de las empresas y el desarrollo a largo plazo de nuestro planeta. Por esta razón, los Servicios de Sostenibilidad de Eurofins proporcionan ayuda y apoyo a nuestros clientes a lo largo de la cadena de valor.

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